Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Noble but Futile Effort

They're the backbone of human rights organizations in Canada. They've written an open letter to prime minister Justin Trudeau calling on the Liberal government to rescind its approval of the Saudi death wagon deal.

There's a snowball's chance in hell that Trudeau will budge but it's proper that these humanitarian groups put it on record. It's a millstone that Trudeau and his party can wear the next time they try to convince us to support them. It'll be one of many.


  1. I hope their letter gets a better response than I did. I was told it's Dion's problem.

  2. I have written to my Liberal MP on the issue, Mound. So far, just as in previous letter about a different matter, she has not responded.


  3. Chin up, Lorne. Everything I read indicates that they might not reply but they do carefully monitor the views expressed by their constituents. Those wishing to do more than simply lodge their dissent or support pretty much have to attend the constituency office.
