Wednesday, August 12, 2020

A Hint of Irony?

When Deng Mabiour got his first chance to speak to the judge he said, "I'm sick. I need a doctor."

That's a bit ironic given that Mabiour is charged with killing a doctor, Red Deer physician Walter Reynolds, with a hammer and a machete.

The remand judge stood the matter over and advised Mabiour to get himself a lawyer.


  1. .. we are too quick to label the unfortunate unhinged Mound.. 'terrorist' is the latest catchall.. and especially if brown or black or First Nation.. 'Going postal' sadly is a reality.. as is suicide.. Alex Jones fluffs it all away as 'conspiracy' .. (its those skulking parents of the dead children - actors..) Of course they planned this out Alex, like who doesn't want to off their children ?

    Mood disorder has been around forever.. the full spectrum.. Did we not have a Prime Minister who talked to his doggie.. or his long passed mommy ? We have folks who follow Ezra Levant and adore Jason Kenney.. So what the hey .. I have a friend who debriefs with me over a beer or two.. he crawls under subways and chats with leapers still alive.. and he pulls the dead out by the scruff of their neck..

    Life has lotsa rough edges.. choosing or proclaiming some 'political perspective' to an unhinged person with a gun is nonsensical.. sometimes life is illuminating.. but re-interpret like a fool .. Go big Mainstream Media.. !!

  2. I think when you cave in a man's skull with a hammer, Sal, it's more than a mood disorder.

    "Going postal." I was of that era. I hung out with a couple of Viet Nam vets and met a few others. If you came back really messed up and couldn't find or hold down a job, Congress enacted legislation giving you first dibs on openings at the Post Office.

    Let's see. You're psychotic, you've got gorilla-level PTSD, a passing familiarity with rapid fire weaponry and you're shoved into a dead-end postal job where everybody looks at you like "that dude." Eventually there's some altercation. You're fired. You're back within an hour to slaughter your tormentors, real or imagined.

    One of the guys I became close with was pretty messed up. He thought going to university would let him mellow out. It didn't. Then he was a cop. Then he was a firefighter. Then he just vanished. His young wife was afraid of him but I don't think he ever touched her.

    It's not widely known that, for all those 50,000 names on the Viet Nam Wall in Washington, there is a like number of veterans of that war who took their own lives in the years after their return. They stepped out of that airport and they were pretty much on their own to sort things out. Most did, many weren't so lucky.

  3. .. 'Mood Disorder' may seem a broad brush Mound.. but its well organized in the DSM V for differential diagnosis.. Cutting off someone's head on a bus is included.. After all, medical science must find a slot for behaviour. It also seems the courts accept removing someone's head is down the road redeemable.. I myself prefer to know where such people are upon release..and I am fresh out of flucks to give regardless of their medication & post release 'therapy'

    There is a woman who was a neighbour of the kindly sausage maker of Halifax.. and she insisted she and her husband relocate to another province.. Now that was an astute appraisal in my view.. and a pragmatic decision not covered in the DSM V guidelines
