Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Here, Have a Quick Look at This

I know little about medicine, even less about dermatology, but, being not that many years younger than the Mango Mussolini, I'm sometimes struck when I see close up photos of Trump's face. Check this out.

Too many hours in the tanning booth? Too many applications of fake tan? Too many hours of golf under the Florida sun?  Could it be the makeup?

Talk about "20 miles of bad road." Hell I've known people in their 90s with hides way younger looking than Trump's. 

What do you make of this?


  1. Throw in a decades long drug habit that likely is continuing today- many photos with heavily dilated pupils. BC Waterboy

  2. You could be right, BCW. I remember how, during his debates with Hillary, he kept snorting over and over. Maybe someone could get a hair sample and send it to a forensic lab for testing.
