Monday, November 27, 2006

The Diabolical Nature of the Far Right

Prisoner Just Loaded with Secrets

I think people of reason and good faith have a hard time digesting what they hear from the far right, whether that be George Bush, Stephen Harper or any of the loons who lead either Christian or Muslim fundamentalism. That's not to say that they don't understand each other. They do that perfectly. Witness how Harper apes Bush in much that he says and does. Those two are on the same page, joined at the hip.

Here's one example of their sort of thinking. It surfaced in US court proceedings involving a Muslim captive who was held in a secret, CIA prison and subjected to "alternative" interrogation techniques. This fellow would like to discuss that experience with the court but the US government objects.

The United States says that, by subjecting people to torture - er, these "techniques", they're letting the detainees/victims in on top secret, classified information and, therefore, should be forever forbidden from talking about their experiences.

In one affidavit filed on behalf of the CIA it said that the government feared Mr. Kahn might reveal, "the conditions of detention and specific alternative interrogation procedures."

Of course, if you gag detainees, they'll have little or no chance of keeping out incriminating statements they made under torture. Neat trick, eh? To the far right, this makes perfect sense. Ask yourself, does it make sense to you?

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