Friday, December 08, 2006

Germany Stands Up for Israel

Iran plans to 'stage' a conference in Tehran on Sunday and Monday that will probably back Ahmadinejad's contentions that the Holocaust was a myth and a distortion.

Germany's foreign ministry has called in an Iranian diplomat to make clear that attempts to question the Nazi's murder of 6-million Jews is "shocking and unacceptable."

"We condemn all past and future attempts of anyone who gives a platform to those who relativize or question the Holocaust," Foreign Ministry spokesman Jens Ploetner said.

Germany is hosting its own Holocaust conference in Berlin on Tuesday.

It's hard to understand what Ahmadinejad hopes to gain by this nonsense. There's already more than enough hatred of Israel to go around the Arab world. At home, his own position seems very secure and in no need of bolstering. One theory is that he's trying to elevate Iran's standing in the Muslim world by claiming moderate Arab states are appeasers of Zionism.

One thing that is plain. Anyone who has watched an interview with Ahmadinejad knows that he's a very intelligent man who always acts to advance some purpose. With America tied down in Iraq, he seems to have no hesitation about throwing his weight around.

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