Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Left Coast - Riding to the Rescue

This is a warning of what moderates and their damned social consciences can lead to. California, Oregon, Washington and New Mexico have decided to collaborate on ways to fight global warming and promote energy efficiency. Now, there's a harebrained idea, eh? From the San Fransisco Chronicle:

"The agreement [signed Friday] commits California, New Mexico, Oregon and Washington to review each other's policies and jointly develop new approaches. The states will explore ways to encourage use of renewable energy, limit greenhouse gas emissions and conserve power. They will not, however, be required to adopt each other's regulations.

"The agreement -- signed by leaders of the California Public Utilities Commission and its sister commissions -- represents the latest attempt by states to combat climate change in the absence of decisive action from the federal government.

"Environmentalists hope the recent Democratic takeover of Congress will prod the federal government to take serious steps against warming. But state officials signing Friday's agreement said they didn't want to wait. By moving now, the states pressure the federal government to act, said Michael Peevey, president of the California PUC.

"'We're building critical mass in the United States for very significant change,' he said. 'We're working toward a goal here that Washington will have to recognize.'

Makes you proud to be Canadian and level-headed, doesn't it? Eh?

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