Monday, January 08, 2007

Bush's Best Ally About to Bail Out

When it's all over, Stephen Harper may be George Bush's best buddy. That's because the man whose people call Bush's 'poodle' is stepping down and his successor won't be repeating the same mistakes.

Gordon Brown is almost certainly to become Britain's next prime minister when Tony Blair resigns sometime before September and Brown is wasting no time assuring his countrymen that there'll be no blank cheques for Washington or its War Without End on Terror.

In a well-deserved swipe at Blair, Brown said he'll place Britain's national interest above its special relationship with the US.

In a statement that's bound to displease the White House, Brown said the Iraq war fiasco has taught him that there are definite limits to what can be achieved against terrorists and fanatics by the use of brute force. He said that a war on terror could only succeed if the West first won the peaceful battle for "hearts and minds."

Brown suggested that Britain will not be following America into future military actions against rogue states, for example Iran. He said he favoured the sort of "cultural war" fought by the West against communism during the Cold War as the best way to contain and defeat terrorism.

My, my what will Little Stevie make of this? Of course, with any luck, we won't need to worry about Stevie by the time September - and Gordon Brown - roll around.

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