Monday, January 08, 2007
Chinese Medicine Witchcraft?
The Chinese constitution expressly protects the nation's ancient healing arts, guaranteeing them equal status with Western medicine.
An attempt to challenge the constitutional provision was launched online last October by a professor, Zhang Gongyao. He claims the traditional medicine is simply bogus.
"Professor Zhang Gongyao and fellow critics have blasted Chinese medicine as an often ineffective, even dangerous derivative of witchcraft that relies on untested concoctions and obscure ingredients to trick patients, then employs a host of excuses if the treatment doesn't work."
In the last six decades, the number of traditional doctors in China has fallen by half while the number of doctors of Western medicine has increased twentyfold.
Well, there is hope then.
ReplyDeleteI'm more concerned with the number of witch doctors, ur, alternative medicine practioners in western societies.
I believe all treatments should stand up to critical scientific scrutiny. This approach been fantastically successful so far, and to abandon it in favour of ill-supported new-age voodoo is an expensive folly that does real dammage.
As any objective scientist now knows, if western medicine was subjected to proper scientific scrutiny it would fail dismally. Conversely, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has not only stood the test of millennia but also has many hundreds of thousands of scientific research projects published in support of its efficacy, safety and effectiveness - developed through protocols designed to validate and exhibit the research aim and not monopolised by vested interests demanding protocols inappropriate for traditional practices like acupuncture & moxibustion. Until western medicine stops killing and maiming more people globally than any other known cause, as it has been scientifically shown to do, its proponents should desist from criticising other forms of medicine that are safer and healthier; and they would be better employed identifying and extracting the massive dangers inherent in their own practices, and finding out why their research protocols direct doctors to use such harmful medicaments.