Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Does Anyone Have a Better Idea?
That's the cheesy mantra of the Bush Brigade, chanted far and wide as their sole response to the growing mass of their critics.
Isn't it odd how they want better ideas, now that they've screwed up the Global War Without End on Terrorism? Too bad they weren't open to the ideas that were offered back when they could have made a difference.
How about the ideas, or at least the opinion of Hans Blix, well before the conquest, to the effect that there was no sign Saddam had any WMDs or that he posed a threat to anyone? That was certainly worth noting, that is if you had any genuine concerns about WMDs other than their utility to scare the hell out of the folks back home.
How about the idea from many sources suggesting you finish the job in Afghanistan before dropping that to embark on an adventure in Iraq?
How about the ideas of General Shinseki that you go into Iraq with several hundreds of thousands of soldiers so you could properly secure the place? Or the ideas put forward by your own State Department to help you prepare for the challenges of a lengthy occupation?
Sorry George, sorry Dick, sorry Mr. Snow - your problem hasn't been a shortage of ideas better than your own, it's been your arrogant stupidity in refusing to consider them. You've already got this hopelessly screwed up, there are no more good ideas, only bad ideas and you're quite capable of making those all by yourself.
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