Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Drooling in Anticipation

A lot of Americans can't wait for George Bush to leave the White House. Mark Tran writes in The Guardian that it's an emotion that has already spawned a cottage industry of its very own:

"Americans who want to know, down to the precise second, how much time Mr Bush has left in the White House can buy a handy Bush's Last Day countdown key chain.

"As the name implies, the item contains a clock counting down to the very second the day the president leaves office (January 20 2009).

"The item, which costs $12.95 (£6.50) and has a three-year warranty, can be found at the aptly-named Bush's Last Day site along with a host of other knick-knacks such as badges, bumper stickers, T-shirts and fridge magnets.

"One blogger who received the key chain for Christmas wrote on the Daily Kos that it was at first depressing to see that Mr Bush had 755 days left, but then "satisfying to see the seconds, and then the minutes, count down".

Today you can buy a keychain clock or a particuarly handsome desk clock plus buttons, coffee mugs, even golf balls emblazoned "01.20.09" the day Bush will no longer be president.

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