Monday, February 05, 2007

Fraser Institute Throws Loaded Dice

The right-wing bag of hot air known as the Fraser Institute has released a report that claims global warming is a myth. .

Fraser claims to have conducted an "independent" review of the latest IPCC report and findings. This review was undertaken by 10 "internationally recognized experts." The thrust of their summary is that the science on global warming is inconclusive.

I guess a lot hinges on how you take "independent." If, by independent, you think it connotes "unbiased", then think again.

The press release directs you to the report itself and there you find the list of experts the Fraser Institute gathered to produce its independent review. Names like Madhav Khandekar, Christopher Essex, Olavi Karner, Tad Murty and James J. O'Brien. Google those names and you'll find that the Fraser Institute cherry picked a gang of virulent, global warming deniers.

These guys could have written their report months before the release of the IPCC report last week. In fact they must have had this one in the bag for some time.

There is no independent assessment here, no open minds, just a pack of guys sticking to the same lines they've been harping for years.

Wouldn't it be swell to know who funded this Fraser Institute report?

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