Friday, February 09, 2007

Or Else What, Steve?

He's at it again. Stephen Harper is laying the law down to... why, to China of course. Steve says China better not threaten Canada over our (his) criticism of human rights abuse or... or... or something they sure won't like will happen.

Naturally Harper didn't send this ultimatum to the Chinese. No, he thought it'd be better if he just strutted his stuff before a gaggle of reporters in Halifax.

"I would point out to any Chinese official that just as a matter of fact, China had a huge trade surplus with this country so it would be in the interest of the Chinese government to make sure any dealings on trade are fair and above board," Harper said.

Last time I checked, both China and Canada operated under the World Trade Organization rules so, unless Harpie is claiming China is in breach of those rules in its trade with Canada, he's blowing smoke. Of course, if the Harpster is accusing China of that sort of breaches, why the hell has he waited for a photo op to take action?

Here's a suggestion. If Harpo has something he wants to "point out to any Chinese official" maybe he ought to wait until he has an actual Chinese official within earshot. Just a thought.


  1. Uh, newsflash: he's telling China not to threaten us.

    Just because your cowardly party would never have the nads to talk back to the Chinese isn't any reason to get jealous because the Prime Minister has some testicles.

    Typically Liberal: you don't even understand decisions made on principle when they smack you in the face.

  2. By what stretch does genius here see "a decision being made" here.

    Sounds more like a Bush moment to me. Harper's "gonna go get him some Chinese."

    Amateur hour in Canada, following his mentor's mighty (small) footsteps.

  3. what alw said...

  4. China kills prisoners to order for body parts, oppresses minorities, violently 'controls' student protests, threatens its neighbours, pollutes the environment to high heaven - and Liberals like these guys because they don't like Harper? Liberals are sick.

  5. "A Bush moment"? Is that really the best you can do?

    If any Liberal PM had uttered such words - which they wouldn't, becuase they're a Liberal - this would be applauded as a display of leadership. But because it's Harper, suddenly it's posturing.

    For all the bile lobbed at the Blogging Tories, the Libloggers should really take a look in the mirror if they want to see absurd, sickening partisanship.

  6. My goodness the level of invective is more redolent of anti-Stephen harper bias than anything. The left pules about human rights , much sound and fury signifying absolutely nothing, then goes berserk when someone actually takes a stand. WHy Conservatives are winning is precisely because Canadians yearn for clear direction, decisiveness and un-nuanced action. The trouble with the left is there are too many citizen philosophers and not enough leaders. Check out CHina's surplus position, add in the story last week about Canadian companies getting taken to the cleaners over there, add in the several thousands of CHinese spys our "tolerant" society has allowed in to steal our economic and scientific data, and perhaps you can glean, or get a glimmering of why Canadians have turned en masse from your red faced bloviaters (Martin) and your blow dried thinker with an apartment in Paris, his home country ! But that is sad to attack these boys when the fact is, we just don't want you anymore. Liberals are so..... 1990.

  7. All you Reformers should take a pill. I'm sure it's upsetting that Canada doesn't have an aircraft carrier for Harpo to land on for his photo op, grandiose pronouncements but, hey, we don't. By the way, he can call the Chinese ambassador to his office any time he likes if he wants to deliver stern rebukes. What happened in Halifax was just another cheesy photo op by a really cheesy opportunist.

  8. You accused Harper of making a threat, when in fact none was made. He merely stated the obvious, that China's only leverage would be to not sell us their crap. Can no Liberal ever be honest?

  9. Stephen Harper is potentially the greatest Prime Minister Canada has ever had bar none.

  10. Did Stephen Harper make his grandiose pronouncement to effect some beneficial change or simply to preach to the choir in our Lady of Naivity? This game didn't start with the arrival of Little Stevie. It's been around for decades and played in a lot of other places also. You get nothing from these people by acting like you had a pair. Maybe that plays well to the testosterone-starved disciples but everyone knows its just about the least productive vehicle for moving the Chinese (and they can be moved). Then again, I guess it gets some kinds glands going.

  11. I'm sure it's upsetting that Canada doesn't have an aircraft carrier for Harpo to land on for his photo op, grandiose pronouncements but, hey, we don't.

    Bought by a Liberal government, I might add.

  12. The best Prime Minister we have ever had?? In doing what - posturing, shaking his fist, pandering to the religious right ( in this day and age, gays should be allowed to be married)and spending most of his time blaming the previous government for things he should be doing now?! We seem to think that when someone makes grandiose statements in front of a camera(or on aircraft carriers), that they are a leaders. Perhaps a bit of Old Spice might sway us too. Wow, the PR companies really do run the world.
