Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Win Some, You Lose Some. Welcome, Garth Turner

Sounds like a fair trade to me, Garth Turner for what's his name - Kahn? By joining the Liberals, Turner restores the old balance of power in the House of Commons.

Turner is a pretty outspoken guy and it's hard to say how well he'll fit in as a Liberal but, unlike Kahn, he's been open and a man of his word.

Until now the Harpies have been in a comfortable position, being unassailable so long as they stroked Jack Layton. Now the tables are turned again and the Tories will need both the NDP and at least one other party's support to escape a confidence vote.


  1. Turner is a pretty outspoken guy and it's hard to say how well he'll fit in as a Liberal but, unlike Kahn, he's been open and a man of his word.

    You're serious? Have you heard what he's said, ad nauseum, about floor crossing?

    For a man of his word, he has no problem explicitly breaking it. Khan has never broken his word or commitments to the degree that Garth is about to. Garth's an anti-floor crossing democratic accountability crusader.

  2. Turner didn't cross the floor. He was ousted from the Conservative Party, gone. When Harper gave him the boot, Turner's committments to the Conservatives were ended. The difference between Turner and Emerson or Khan is night and day.
