Enviro-website Grist.org has published what it considers the 15 most important "green politicians" in the world. Here's what they said about Stephane Dion, ranked number 10:
"Canada's other Dion, the recently elected leader of the Liberal Party, has pledged to unite the quest for a better environment, social justice, and economic growth into a holistic vision of sustainability. Called by one blogger "the environmental candidate for the non-environmentalist", Dion will be in the running to become prime minister of Canada when the nation holds its next election, expected sometime this year. He has proposed tax credits for energy efficiency and pledged to make a concerted effort to meet Kyoto Protocol goals; in fact, he loves Kyoto so much, he named his dog after it. No, really!"
See the whole list at http://www.grist.org/
Do you think that they know that he got the fossil award...probably not, as I only realized that he had that honourable distinction lately. I thought I was a national news junkie...go figure?