It is a suggestion that you make provisions enabling people to send to you suggestions about topics they would like you to address or just express and opinion. For example, it is absolutely appalling Prime Minister Harper accused Russia of undemocratic behavior while at the G8 Summit. It was a repeat of his attack upon China at the Asiaian Conference held last August or September. After being out of this country for eight years and returning to an attitude that represents that of a second world country, there are aspects of Canadian life that need to be addressed. The ordinary person on Canadian streets seems to be afraid of publically speaking out for fear of losing their jobs. What is democratic about that? Until there isn't one person living on the street in this country; until a living wage is addressed and implimented; until favouritism is ruled out regarding government appointments in the civil services sector including firing people when they reach their fifieth birthday; until employers are stopped from demanding an impossible work schedule for 10.00 dollars an hour as is the case on Vancouver Island; until religious discrimination is eradicated from the public and the private sector; until all information is made public through news papers and public service announcements and within easy reach of every Canadian; until wait periods of months regarding health care is eradicated; until the police system is provided with the proper equipment to answer alarm calls and not have to redirect 911 calls; until the mentally ill are taken off the streets, until every person has a living wage job; until Canada addresses the First Nation Peoples' issues; until there are enough public servents in public offices to handle the traffic and individuals having to wait three hours to see an officer regarding a social insurance card replacement doesn't time is as valuable as the Canadian Governments; until Canada cleans up its own act...then Canada can begin chastising other countries for their inadequacies. Harper can talk about 'transparancy" all he likes at world affairs, let's see it practiced here in this country. I'd like to read more "the mound of sound" has to say about those Canadian issues. I think I will explode if I hear another public servant say, at least some Canadian money is going to third world countries to help them via company out sourcing...that is ludicrous, it's mostly American companies in this country paying subsistance wages to Chinese workers so CEO's in the west receive 175 times the wages of a middle person with a good education. Continue on this road, and Canadians will find themselves in third world conditions. It's time every Canadian with a voice spoke out. How's that for re-entry shock?
"What's wrong with that?" The caption for the photo is "life goes on." There's nothing wrong with that except maybe that young people have to carry M-16s to go sunbathing.
In response to the longer comment, a lot of the ills you have seen on returning to Canada are the inevitable side effect of globalization. As manufacturing declines, working-class (I hate that term) opportunities narrow. That creates a shift in bargaining power to the employer from the employee. It's what has driven a lot of folks to the tar sands. Are we headed for Third World conditions in Canada? I don't think so but we do need to change our outlook and values, become more nationalistic. I wish I knew where this country was going over the next 20 to 50-years but there's a real environmental upheaval building that will challenge all our our political, social and economic structures. They have been built to serve in better times and, while they have been tested in depression and war, they've never had to withstand challenges that will be of much greater impact and multi-generational in duration. You can't use a race car to plough fields.
Do I think life on the Canadian street will ever get back to what it was before you left for Asia eight years ago? No, I think you're remembering a time that's gone and isn't likely to return.
It is a suggestion that you make provisions enabling people to send to you suggestions about topics they would like you to address or just express and opinion. For example, it is absolutely appalling Prime Minister Harper accused Russia of undemocratic behavior while at the G8 Summit. It was a repeat of his attack upon China at the Asiaian Conference held last August or September. After being out of this country for eight years and returning to an attitude that represents that of a second world country, there are aspects of Canadian life that need to be addressed. The ordinary person on Canadian streets seems to be afraid of publically speaking out for fear of losing their jobs. What is democratic about that? Until there isn't one person living on the street in this country; until a living wage is addressed and implimented; until favouritism is ruled out regarding government appointments in the civil services sector including firing people when they reach their fifieth birthday; until employers are stopped from demanding an impossible work schedule for 10.00 dollars an hour as is the case on Vancouver Island; until religious discrimination is eradicated from the public and the private sector; until all information is made public through news papers and public service announcements and within easy reach of every Canadian; until wait periods of months regarding health care is eradicated; until the police system is provided with the proper equipment to answer alarm calls and not have to redirect 911 calls; until the mentally ill are taken off the streets, until every person has a living wage job; until Canada addresses the First Nation Peoples' issues; until there are enough public servents in public offices to handle the traffic and individuals having to wait three hours to see an officer regarding a social insurance card replacement doesn't time is as valuable as the Canadian Governments; until Canada cleans up its own act...then Canada can begin chastising other countries for their inadequacies. Harper can talk about 'transparancy" all he likes at world affairs, let's see it practiced here in this country. I'd like to read more "the mound of sound" has to say about those Canadian issues. I think I will explode if I hear another public servant say, at least some Canadian money is going to third world countries to help them via company out sourcing...that is ludicrous, it's mostly American companies in this country paying subsistance wages to Chinese workers so CEO's in the west receive 175 times the wages of a middle person with a good education. Continue on this road, and Canadians will find themselves in third world conditions. It's time every Canadian with a voice spoke out. How's that for re-entry shock?
ReplyDeleteSo what's wrong with that?
ReplyDelete"What's wrong with that?" The caption for the photo is "life goes on." There's nothing wrong with that except maybe that young people have to carry M-16s to go sunbathing.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the longer comment, a lot of the ills you have seen on returning to Canada are the inevitable side effect of globalization. As manufacturing declines, working-class (I hate that term) opportunities narrow. That creates a shift in bargaining power to the employer from the employee. It's what has driven a lot of folks to the tar sands. Are we headed for Third World conditions in Canada? I don't think so but we do need to change our outlook and values, become more nationalistic. I wish I knew where this country was going over the next 20 to 50-years but there's a real environmental upheaval building that will challenge all our our political, social and economic structures. They have been built to serve in better times and, while they have been tested in depression and war, they've never had to withstand challenges that will be of much greater impact and multi-generational in duration. You can't use a race car to plough fields.
Do I think life on the Canadian street will ever get back to what it was before you left for Asia eight years ago? No, I think you're remembering a time that's gone and isn't likely to return.
Sorry to be so gloomy.
The point is, the Canadian Prime Minister should "shut up" condemming other countries.