Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Brown Better on Terrorism than Blair

Craig Murray was Britain's ambassador to Uzbekistan until he was sacked for publicly commenting on the vicious excesses of the US-backed leader. A self-confessed liberal, Murray takes comfort in the way Britain's current prime minister, Gordon Brown, is handling the country's latest terrorist attacks:

"But my question cui bono? was also helpful in pointing out that these terrorist attacks are not only callous and inhuman, but extraordinarily stupid. Islamic terrorism fills those who hate Muslims with unholy glee. You only have to surf the internet for five minutes to prove that. At the same time it sends those of us who try to improve community relations, and it sends the established Muslim communities in the UK, into deep despair. Those in the security, weapons and mercenary industries who make billions from continued War are rubbing their hands and counting the cash.

"How religious faith can lead people into such a mix of depravity and counter-productive stupidity is impossible for the sane to fathom, even acknowledging the depths of despair caused by the carnage our country has caused in Iraq. I can do nothing today but issue the anguished cry of the liberal in a brutal, unlistening World.

"The only comfort, and this may be wishful thinking, is that the Brown government seems to be handling this all much more sensibly than Blair and Reid, without pushing the melodrama button or making fatuous comparisons with the Second World War. Which is not to say that we do not face yet another attack on civil liberties, but the attempt to stampede people with the psychology of fear does seem less marked. Or is that a false perception?"

1 comment:

  1. Well I am really not sure yet Rollin. Sounds good so far but so early in the game.....waiting to make a judgement.
