Saturday, July 07, 2007

Hey Steve, Tell George to Trash the Nukes

Two Canadian senators are calling for the federal government to get serious about nuclear disarmament, starting with the U.S.

Senators Romeo Dallaire and Douglas Roche say Canada should pressure Washington to honour its disarmament promises under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty.

The original nuclear club, all of which have permanent seats on the UN Security Council - the US, Russia, France, Britain and China - committed to eliminating their nuclear stockpiles in conjunction with other nations promising not to acquire nuclear weapons. The big nations have made an utter mockery of their promises yet have no qualms about upbraiding small nations that breach their commitments.

The Bush regime has announced plans to develop and test and brand new array of nuclear weapons. America is also fueling a number of arms races around the world, including Russia, China and India.

Now I know Tories don't like Canadians speaking out about their American Idols but c'mon. If we can't speak to Washington, London, Paris, Moscow and Beijing, who can? Besides, wouldn't it be refreshing to see Harper show some interest in peace and a bit less in war?

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