If your province or region needs money, all you have to do is get angry and - voila! - bags of cash will suddenly arrive on your doorstop.
The trick is you have to get angry at Stephen Harper. Before you know it Harpo will arrive, in person, in your home town to announce millions, maybe billions of wonderful federal spending programmes.
It's worked for Saskatchewan. It's worked for Halifax. Little Stevie's money-laden chuckwagon is pulling into Esquimalt today so it's obvious we're getting a tidy hunk too. Neat, eh?
Yessir, you play ball and Stevie will make damned sure you get the best government your own money can buy. Now, prepare for landing.
Enna says.....Harpie managed to leave Newfoundland out...I wonder why. It could be it's one way to get the 500,000 living on the Island off the Island and then he could claim it all.