Friday, July 06, 2007

It Doesn't Smell - It Reeks!

The saga of the shooting death of young Ian Bush just keeps getting more bizarre.

Bush was shot and killed while in RCMP custody in Houston, B.C..

Bush was killed by a single shot to the back of his head.

Const. Paul Koester, the shooter, claims that Bush was atop him, choking him from behind when, fearing for his life, he drew his side arm and put one square in the back of the young man's skull (you visualize that, I dare you).

An investigating coroner has refused a simple request that Const. Koester demonstrate just how it could be possible to make such a shot from this supposed position.

Now it turns out that the statement Koester gave to officers investigating the shooting was anything but spontaneous. The constable's lawyer made sure Koester wasn't questioned for three months after the shooting and then, this is bizarre, the investigators had to submit their questions in advance.

There is nothing about this case or the explanations that have been thrown about that makes any sense. The whole business just plain reeks.

B.C. Solicitor General John Les claims it's too early to consider launching a public inquiry.

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