Saturday, July 07, 2007

Oh, This is Precious

"Going to war without France
is like going duck hunting
without your accordion"

Remember when "Dysfunctional Don" Rumsfeld uttered that insult to France when it refused to join Bush's insane invasion of Iraq? America and Americans turned on France, calling them "surrender monkeys" and renaming french fries "freedom fries." What a pack of sphincters!

The Christian Science Monitor reports that George w. Bush and his followers are now scrambling to learn everything they can about fighting insurgencies the French style. They're lapping up the lessons of what the French did right in Algeria:

"The Pentagon held a screening in 2003 of "The Battle of Algiers," a movie about French troops winning control of the Algerian capital. President Bush says that he recently read Alistair Horne's authoritative history on the war, "A Savage War of Peace." And last fall, Christopher Harmon, who teaches a course on the Algerian war at the Marine Corps University (MCU) in Washington, lectured marines in Iraq about the Algerian model."

"Many steps taken in Algeria offer valuable lessons for Iraq ...but not all are applicable. The Algerian and Iraqi insurgencies are different as are the French and American military forces and their strategic goals. The French went in with an overwhelming force determined to permanently control Algeria. Some 500,000 French soldiers occupied a country of 9 million Algerians and were aided by skilled Algerian soldiers called harkis. In Iraq there are roughly 150,000 troops in a country of about 26 million where efforts to train strong, nationalist-minded Iraqi security forces have had spotty results.

"Sealing off the borders is a lesson "the US has totally been unable to use ... this is one of the problems of going in with the small force [former US Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld chose. This is something the French didn't make a mistake on," says Christopher Harmon, who teaches a course on the Algerian war at the Marine Corps University (MCU) in Washington .

Now, just to recap. What did the French do right in Algeria? They went in with 500,000 soldiers for a country of 9-million. Wait a minute, what about Canada in Kandahar? What have we got? Oh yeah, a combat group of 1,000 foot soldiers. Maybe Harper and Hillier could borrow that book when George finishes with it. No forget it, we'll be out of there by 2009.


  1. I'm having a deja vu moment here. Didn't they have this same epiphany a couple of years ago about Algeria? I could swear they did. Really... go look it up. I'd bet money on it.

  2. You're right RT. The Pentagon has been puzzling out Algeria since 2003 but to no good end. Remember the generals, i.e. Shinseki, wanted several hundreds of thousands of troops. It was the Rumsfeld/Cheney/Wolfowitz gang that rebuked him and then replaced him with that sycophant Myers. Now, after the war is lost, Bush is trying to read about what the French did right. Perfect, isn't it?
