Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Zimbabwe Sinks Deeper Toward Anarchy

A Worker in Zimbabwe takes home
his monthly wages

Zimbabwe has been paralyzed by a critical shortage of fuel that is bringing the entire economy to a halt. Dictator Robert Mugabe recently ordered gas stations to cut prices by 60% which forced them to sell at a loss. Many stations simply closed shop.

Groceries have long disappeared from shop shelves. Even the official rate of inflation stands at over four thousand per cent. Today, according to The Telegraph, a single banana sells for the same sum as 15 4-bedroom houses seven years ago.


  1. Hey, anarchy? Not likely...we anarchists would prefer if you used the term 'chaos' to describe the regime of a brutal statist dictator.

    Than you for your cooperation.


  2. That country had a lot of English on the land running the farms and doing quite well. however that crazed Mugabi decided to oust the white man off the farm and put his pals in there to farm . they could not do farming, the places were overrun and therefor no food on farms, anymore, for anyone.

  3. You're right, anon, but the question is when and how Zimbabwe is going to extract itself out of the ruins Mugabe has created. If you want to see how bad things are, check out Zimbabwe real estate listings. You can get a nice house with pool for only 34-BILLION dollars.

  4. There is only one thing, he has to be ousted along with his crazy army and the country has to be run by Humanitarians for awhile
