Friday, November 09, 2007

The Blame Game

Oh my how little Georgie loves to accuse others of playing the "blame game." Ask why he dropped the ball on 9/11 and you're playing the blame game. Question how he screwed up on Hurricane Katrina and you're indulging in the blame game. Ponder aloud how he made Iraq a total disaster and you're just a dirty, low down, blame gamer.

George knows all about the blame game and a lot of observers are beginning to warn he's about to launch a game of his own, this time blaming the American people for his failure in Iraq. It wasn't his leadership, breathtakingly incompetent as it's been, that created the disaster of Iraq it was the American people losing faith in that breathtakingly incompetent leadership.

It's the same lousy game that was used in the aftermath of the Vietnam disaster. The North Vietnamese didn't win. No the war was lost at home. Why we were just on the verge of wholesale victory when our own people cut our legs right out from under us. It's the sort of tactic that despicable leaders resort to when they can't bear to take responsibility for their failures and, when it comes to that, George Bush is about as despicable as they come.

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