Saturday, November 10, 2007

Why Stop at Mulroney?

Karlheinz Schreiber may have used Airbus schmeergelder to funnel $300,000 to Brian Mulroney but that was just the tip of the iceberg.

The Airbus money totalled many millions of dollars, perhaps upwards of twenty million.

Schreiber has recently said he's willing to talk about the rest of that money, just who got what and why, and isn't that something we all would like to know? Liberal, Conservative - who cares? Let the chips fall where they may.

We know Frank Moores got a matching $300,000. What was that for anyway?

If Schreiber wants to use what he knows to extort a deal to avoid extradition at least let's get that out in the open too. Stephen Harper has a chance to really dig into this dung heap and he owes it to all Canadians to roll up his sleeves and grab a shovel.


  1. I would advise against any inquiry if the cost of finding the truth goes beyond the taxpayer money in question. Somethings are better left to be a write-off and only in Canada would we spend $10 million in legal fees to discover what happened to $2 million taxpayer dollars. Huge waste of money....

  2. Karlheinz Schreiber is a wanted felon in Germany and faces the rest of his life in jail. He has be using (abusing) the Canadian system to lob acusation after acusation for the sole reason of avoiding extradition and prison in Germany. How valid these latest acusations are will, hopefully, be discovered by the 3rd party investigating the situation. As for going further, we still don't know the truth about the golf course in Shawinigan, where the missing millions went from the sponsorship scandle or exactly which candidates got the brown envelopes. These type of things are all about rumour, acusation and inuendo. At some point, we all have to let them go (Mulrony left office 15 years ago) and work on today's problems. This is little more than a witch hunt and even if something is found to be out of order -- aside from Liberal gloating, of what benifit will it be to the Canadian public of today. By all means, if you want to start a whole series of public trials over past events, lets go whole hog, set up a star chamber and have them examine each and every acusation from each and every accused/convicted felon and ensure they span all the parties as each inuendo arises. Now wouldn't that be fun.

  3. What about Paul Martin's CSL getting all of those exclusive contracts with the CWB ??

  4. I agree why stop with Mulroney? You Libs have forced open Pandora's box. Be ready for it, next up to the plate, Paul Martin and CSL, Jean Cretien and Shawnigate all over again.

    I also think it is time for a deep forensic audit of the Canada Firearms Centre, that outta make AdScam look like stealing someones lunch money.

    You reap what you sow.

  5. Go for it. If there's genuine wrongdoing it ought not to go unnoticed. I don't have any problem with pursuing Liberal wrongdoing but it's strange that you raise it only when that creep of yours is caught in the crosshairs. Speaks volumes for your sincerity.

  6. Conservatives have never stopped demanding justice over adscam.

    this one burns me the most:

    '...Dion told Quebec newspaper Le Soleil in remarks published Wednesday that he has no objections to Marc-Yvan Cote being allowed to resume his Liberal membership.

    Cote, a former party organizer in Quebec, was one of 10 members banned for life from the party by former prime minister Paul Martin in the wake of the sponsorship scandal...
    During the Gomery inquiry into the sponsorship scandal,
    Cote testified that he received $120,000 in $100 bills from the executive director of the party's Quebec wing. He distributed that money to 12 Liberal candidates in the 1997 federal election.

    Dion -- who was never implicated in the scandal -- was the unity minister when the Chretien government created the sponsorship program, which was administered through the public works ministry...


  7. I await the calls from Wilson and the others who commented here for an inquiry into the In and Out Scandal. I mean, if Shawinigate and Adscam are good enough, then certainly the current CPC violating Elections Canada spending limits and attempting to defraud the taxpayer out of refunds they do not deserve certainly warrants investigation.

    I'm a libertarian - bring em all in! I don't care if its Liberal or Conservative either.

    But MoS is right, not a peep until Harper and Mulroney are in the cross hairs....
