Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Behind Karzai's Back

It looks as though Britain is having second thoughts about the viability of the Karzai government and its prospects for ever putting an end to the Taliban threat.

Afghanistan has just ordered two Westerners out, identified in the Sydney Morning Herald as "the acting European Union mission head, Michael Semple, of Ireland, and a senior UN official, Marvin Patterson, of Britain." An Afghan government source is said to have told the paper that the officials not only met with Taliban representatives but also gave them money.

Now word is out that British intelligence agents have also been dealing with the Taliban.

AGENTS from MI6 held secret talks with Taliban leaders despite a pledge by the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, that his country would not negotiate with terrorists.
Officers from the Secret Intelligence Service - MI6's official name - held discussions, or jirgas, with senior insurgents several times in the northern summer.

"The SIS officers were understood to have sought peace directly with the Taliban, with them coming across as some sort of armed militia," a source said. The British would also provide "mentoring" for the Taliban.

The disclosure came just two weeks after the Prime Minister told the House of Commons: "We will not enter into any negotiations with these people."

Meanwhile, Canadian defence minister Peter MacKay dished up turkey in Kandahar. Go get'em, Pete!

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