Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Fact We've Been Lying to You Proves Iran is a Menace to World Peace

The sphincters running around the White House can't help themselves. I guess their credibility is already shot to hell so what have they got to lose? That's how they manage to keep pulling s__t out of their backsides and presenting it to their dwindling base for fawning consumption.

So, let's see. BushCheney have known for over a year that their intelligence services found out that Iran halted its nuclear weapons programe four years ago but they kept peddling the same lies, time and again anyway. If you know the truth and you tell people the opposite - you're a damned liar. Bush is a liar, Rice is a liar, and Cheney - well he's a diseased, bald-headed, chronic liar.

The Clown Prince Shrub, hisself, took advantage of the intelligence to say, why, that it proves his point:

"I view this report as a warning signal," Bush told reporters at the White House on Tuesday. "Iran was dangerous, Iran is dangerous, and Iran will be dangerous if they have the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."

Hey George. The knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon is available on the tubes! You dork. But you know he's right about one thing. The report is a warning signal. It's a reminder that BushCheney will lie right through their teeth to the American people and the world and they'll do as much lying as it takes to drag us all into yet another war. It's a warning signal that we'll have to live with these murderous bastards for another year yet and we'd do well to question everything they say between now and then. It's a warning that giving these fiends the benefit of the doubt winds up with tens of thousands of dead people, all for nothing except their demented fantasies and messianic delusions.


  1. Ever since Red Tory shut down his blog, every other liberal blog is going to be subject to "Jonathan" (aka Biff, aka Jeff...)

    I recommend deletion. No ifs, ands or buts.

  2. Sorry Johnathon but Ti-Guy is right, you're gone.

  3. Believe me Johnathon, it's not about "sensorship" whatever that may be. It's about you and your odious behaviour. You're simply not welcome here. You've rendered your opinions irrelevant. Have a nice day.
