Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Mulroney, International Man of Influence?

According to Mulroney-watcher, author William Kaplan, it's rumoured that Brian Mulroney will tell the Commons ethics committee that he earned his $300k fee from Karlheinz Schreiber by acting as a lobbyist at the "international level."

Kaplan, who broke the story of the Mulroney-Schreiber cash deal, says this is a rumour that's been circulating for the past week. From the Ottawa Citizen:

"Kaplan, who wrote the book "A Secret Trial," predicted in an interview Wednesday that if rumours are true, Mulroney will tell MPs on a Commons committee his work for Schreiber focused on international lobbying at the United Nations Security Council.

But Kaplan adds that in the six years he has kept tabs on the saga - and the numerous times he has talked to Mulroney - it will be the first time he has heard this particular version.

"I've been following this story for years and this is a brand new explanation. It's one that I have started hearing in the past week - it's being circulated out there. But I've never heard it before," said Kaplan.

In an e-mail response to questions about the possible international lobbying explanation, Kaplan added: "Assume it's true. Did he ever actually lobby anyone on the Security Council? Don't think so."

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