Saturday, January 05, 2008

The American Media's Obama Smear Job

How bad can it get in the "Land of the Free?" has compiled some examples of how the American media - alternative and mainstream - has been sniping at and smearing Barak Obama:


  1. With the mainstream media painting him as saviour of the united states, I wouldn't sweat it. January 20th, 2009 will see the first black man elected president.

  2. I should say inaugurated president.

  3. YOu're kidding right. All the studies that have been done have shown that Obama gets by far the most biased coverage for him and that Clinton gets attacked the most, by far.

    The man also needs to be questioned a whole lot more before people actually vote for him. The Republicans will eat him for breakfast.

  4. Obama can't win because he did hard drugs casually enough to call it, "scoring some blow" There's a reason the Republicans want him to win.

    First ad;

    Latin families crying as they describe losing loved ones to the drug war. Then the caption reads; "Obama calls it scoring some blow. We call it supporting drug cartels."

    Second Ad;

    A shot of a small hut in Africa. Obama's grandmother lived in this hut with no, health care, nor water and no electricity, while he bought himself a 1.9 million dollar house. If he won't make sure his grandmother has health care housing and utilites why would he care if you don't."

    Third ad;

    Children playing in a school playground. caption; "If you wouldn't vote for a cocaine user to be on your children's school board, why would you vote for one to be President?"

    That's why he will never be President even if the Democrats allow 17 year olds and independents to commit political suicide and nominate him. Not because he's black because of his cocaine use, lack of experience, questionable record etc etc etc.

  5. Well nice to see the lying conservative attack smear has started early. Fuck you anon 9:02.

    Post a link to evidence of STFU.

  6. Hey Mike, glad you could stop by. Are you getting any closer to that bike?
