Thursday, January 03, 2008

Democratic Alchemy

The Economist claims that democracy is Pakistan's only hope of survival. The influential magazine argues that the US must beat it into Musharraf's head, "...and the generals still propping him up that democracy is not the alternative to stability. It is Pakistan's only hope."

What the editors gloss over is how Washington is supposed to pry power out of the hands of the military who view themselves as the bastion of their nation's survival. They ignore the reality that the military is enmeshed in Pakistan's political institutions through the Pakistan Muslim League which garners roughly 25% of the national vote.

Yes, yes - getting the military out of government is a great idea. Now, with al-Qaeda and the Taliban setting up shop in Pakistan itself, how do you get the military to stand down? It's sort of like staring a two-pack-a-day guy in the face and telling him he's gotta quit smoking. Good luck with that. By the way, once you pull that off, I have a pile of lead here that needs turning into gold.


  1. What they gloss over is that is should be none of the US government's business what happens in Pakistan. Has it not occurred to them that Pakistan and he entire ME is in the situation it is right now because of decades of US interference?

    If you want to get out of a hole, stop digging.

  2. Washington sees its strategic security so integrated into ME affairs that it won't back off. It doesn't believe it can, at least not without jeopardizing its petroleum assets, leaving Israel unprotected and encouraging every tinpot dictator to strap on his nuclear six-shooters. SNAFU and FUBAR
