Friday, January 11, 2008

Global Warming Hasn't Stopped

The latest scam from the global warming denialists is to claim that global warming has actually stopped. It's over they say, keep moving, nothing to see here. In fact, what they're doing is exploiting what's called weather "noise" to distract attention to actual climate change.

Weather noise is the term used to describe the unpredictable variations in the earth's weather that, looked at in short periods, can lead to false conclusions about climate change. Look at the red lines in the graph above. If you narrow your focus from one peak to the following trough you might conclude that, yes, the world is actually cooling. That's weather noise. But look at the overall 30-year chart and you see the actual global warming. From Reuters:

Climate change is still nudging up temperatures in the long term even though the warmest year was back in 1998 and 2008 has begun with unusual weather such as a cool Pacific and Baghdad's first snow in memory, experts said.

"Global warming has not stopped," said Amir Delju, senior scientific coordinator of the World Meteorological Organization's (WMO) climate program.

Last year was among the six warmest years since records began in the 1850s and the British Met Office said last week that 2008 will be the coolest year since 2000, partly because of a La Nina event that cuts water temperatures in the Pacific.

"We are in a minor La Nina period which shows a little cooling in the Pacific Ocean," Delju told Reuters. "The decade from 1998 to 2007 is the warmest on record and the whole trend is still continuing."

This year has started with odd weather including the first snows in Baghdad in memory on Friday and a New Year cold snap in India that killed more than 20 people. Frost hit some areas of Florida last week but orange groves escaped mostly unscathed.

Delju said climate change, blamed mainly on human emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels, would bring bigger swings in the weather alongside a warming trend that will mean more heatwaves, droughts, floods and rising seas.

"The more frequent occurrence of extreme events all over the world -- floods in Australia, heavy snowfall in the Middle East -- can also be signs of warming," he said.


  1. So, if its hot, then thats Global Warming. If its Cold then that too is global Warming. If its dry, then thats Global Warming, If its wet, then that too is Global Warming.

    If it Snows in Buenos Aires, Baghdad and Johannesburg in the same 12 month period, then thats Global Warming. If tempertures in Texas top out in the 80s during the summer, then thats Global Warming.

    Seems to me that no matter what happens with the Weather its Global Warming.

    Global Warming is a fact, man is to blame, and no matter what happens with the weather, whether is gets hot or cold, wet or dry, then Global Warming.

    Never mind all the mounds of evidence that contridicts the "fact" of Global Warming, such as it stopped 10 years ago and has been cooling ever since, or that some places are having unusually cold weather. Never mind that Al Gore has a long history of being a pathological liar, or all the evidence that CO2 is actually good for the environment.

    Ignore everything, the debate is over, and if you question the scientists then you might as well have thrown 3 million jews in the gas chamber yourself, huh?

  2. You get your climate change information from a tabloid. Read, learn, then speak. You'll sound much less foolish.

  3. Your kool-aid is getting warmer.

  4. You're the one trying to tell me that it is getting colder because its getting warmer, Mound of Sound, and you are trying to tell me that I sound foolish? Seriously?

    Satellite data is by far the most accurate and it shows a cooling trend, and that Global Warming peaked in 1998. Its impossible for the satellite data to have any researcher bias, so its the only source that should be considered an authority, yet you choose to use a chart from the Goddard Space Institute, home of James Hansen, who has taken money from Theresa Heinz Kerry to create an October suprize for George Bush when her Husband was running for President as your authority? Then accuse me of getting my info from a cracker jack box? Seriously?

    Once I see evidence that the Earth actually is warming, and that the soure can be non-other than human green house gas emissions then I will accept Anthropogenic Global Warming as fact, but right now I only see evidence to suggest that the globe is getting cooler not warmer, and right now it looks like 2008 is going to be the coolest year in about 30 years, which will completely break your 20 year trend.

    The people who believe this global warming garbage are either idiots, communists or are in on the scam. So if you are not a communist, or in on the scam, then I know this guy in Nigeria who has a lot of money that he wants to give you.

  5. I'm just going to reply to a couple of your points and then I'll leave you to wallow in your ignorance. Yes it is colder this winter. You need to look into what's called La Nina. We here on the coast get the full brunt of El Nino and La Nina fluctuations in the central Pacific. So shut your mouth, take your head out of your ass and try learning something. Whether you accept AGW is completely irrelevant to me. I'm content to know that your community of the wilfully blind gets smaller by the day. By the way, if you were right don't you think we'd be hearing your crank lines endlessly from George Bush, Big Oil and Big Coal? I'm not an idiot nor a communist nor a scammer but you're a fool just for saying that. Now move along.

  6. Its not just the La Nina, the sun is also waning. Unlike the La Nina of 1999-2000, this la Nina is stronger and the sun is weaker.

    Its going to be an interesting year for the Global Warming debate, because this is the year when the Solar Global Warming theorists get to test their theories vs. the Anthropogenic people.

    Natural theorists say that this year should be much cooler, RSS data seems to suggest that so far they are correct, while ancillary evidence such as a cool summer in Texas, Snow in Baghdad, Buenos Aires, and Johanesburg, with a record cold summer in Australia and record ice in Anarctica tend to reinforce the notion that the naturalists are correct.

    Regardless, Global Warming has appearantly stopped since 1998, while CO2 emissions have continued to rise. Just like the period between the '40s and the '70s, reality is simply not matching AGWT basic thesis that CO2 is the main cause of Global Warming.

    When temperatures drop this year, its possible that this year will match years from the '70s and '80s, more common people will start to question the common wisdom expressed by the IPCC. If the Earth starts to cool, which is very likely, then the AGW thesis is completely blown out of the water, and the future will mock this era of Global Warming Alarmists for being fools.

    This is the year, that climate alarmism dies, and the Global Warming Hoax gets exposed for what it is, deny it all you want, but you and people like you are all going to end up looking like a bunch of damned fools.
