Monday, January 14, 2008

The Mildewed Recesses of Lorne Gunter's Mind

I wasn't surprised to see Lorne Gunter praise Ezra Levant's heroic performance before the Alberta Human Rights Commission last week but I found it amusing how far this rightwing nutjob would strain history to do it. From the National Spot:

"...Ezra decided to take advantage of the ancient Anglo-Saxon right to free expression and published the cartoons.

What he was reminded of, almost immediately, is that Canada is no longer an Anglo-Saxon nation. Gone is the robust belief held by our ancestors for 800 years that the citizen is sovereign, that he is free to do as he wishes unless the state can show unambiguously that there is an overriding need to limit his liberty temporarily. It has been replaced by the continental notion that nothing is allowed unless it is expressly permitted by the state. The belief that the citizen owes the government an explanation of his actions, not the other way around, has gripped our politicians, bureaucrats, judges and professors."

Gunter's claim that, for eight centuries, our (or at least his and, presumably, Levant's) ancestors have robustly held the citizen sovereign, free to do as he chooses unless the state discharges some burden of proving the need to limit him temporarily exposes him as an historical charlatan, if not an ignoramus. Now I don't know what Anglo-Saxon lineage Gunter cleaves to but I can assure him that his ancestors eight centuries ago weren't running about thumbing their noses at their monarch and proclaiming their sovereignty as citizens. If they were, the Gunter line would have assuredly died out a long, long time ago.

As for the complaint that, in today's Canada, "...the citizen owes the government an explanation of his actions, not the other way around," Gunter's remarks are surely better directed to his favourite government, the one immediately south of our own, the land of "total information awareness" and secret surveillance.

I don't think it at all accidental that Gunter's defence of Levant is built on a house of hyperbole and historical distortion. In fact, that's the one thing that makes perfect sense.


  1. Canada: Freedom of Speech succumbing to Kangaroo Courts of the Human Rights Commission

    Proceedings against Ezra Levant are nothing short of ridiculous, but let's consider the implications for moderate Muslims. This "investigation" will further divide Muslims and non-Muslims in Canada. It will give credence to radicals' claims that the West is at war with Islam. It will antagonize non-Muslims and moderate Muslims will be pushed towards radicalization. Regardless of the outcome, once again Islamists skillfully manipulated Dhimmi justice system and came out as clear winners. Thank you, Human Right Commission!

    Sign Free Dominion Against the HRCs Petition

  2. Well the HRC isn't influencing my perspective of Islam. I doubt that intelligent people are swayed on that point. Levant strikes me as having a lot in common with extremists of any faith. He too is simply manipulating the event for his own glorification.

  3. The Mound of Sound, you're right. Fuck Free Speech! Who needs it?

  4. To begin with, show me a nation that actually has free speech, freedom to say anything you please without any intervention or monitoring. There isn't one and you know it so spare me your indignation, please.

    I had to do some research on "free speech" as it was enshrined in the American constitution and was surprised to discover that it was grounded in economic free speech, not political freedom. Our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms affords relatively vigorous protections of free speech and that extends to Mr.Levant and to you as well.
    Try not to be quite so arrogant.

  5. "I had to do some research on "free speech" as it was enshrined in the American constitution and was surprised to discover that it was grounded in economic free speech, not political freedom.

    According to US Supreme Court, US Constitution guarantees practically unabridged Free Political Speech, except for very few instances where compelling State interest (i.e., National Security) is involved.

  6. Yes the American constitution guarantees a number of rights, including the right against unreasonable search and seizure and the right of habeas corpus. Just how are those rights doing these days? You should learn a little more about our Charter of Rights before you pronounce judgments on how we conduct our freedoms in Canada.

  7. "right against unreasonable search and seizure and the right of habeas corpus. Just how are those rights doing these days?"

    Those rights are doing fine.

    "You should learn a little more about our Charter of Rights before you pronounce judgments on how we conduct our freedoms in Canada."

    I don't really care what is the reason behind Canada not having Freedom of Speech, but I'm worried about libel tourism.

  8. Secret prisons, extraordinary rendition, imprisonment without charge or access to counsel or the right to confront your accuser, warrantless surveillance of citizens, torture, a president who considers himself above the constitution - Canadians have nothing to learn from you about freedoms, civil or human rights. Please, take your farce elsewhere.

  9. You must be one of those loony left dumbfucks who repeats bullshit propaganda like a parrot. You should consider joining right wing nutjobs who seem to be just as stupid as you are.

  10. Well aren't you Allah's little pottymouth? I can see the sincerity of your embrace of moderation, my Muslim vulgarian. Shame,shame, shame on you.

  11. Are you trying to draw a parallel between my vulgarity and your stupidity?
