Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black

George w. Bush, head of the nation that has single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, says that Iran is threatening the security of the world and that the US and its Arab allies must confront the danger "before it's too late."

According to the word of the man whose credibility means somewhat less than nothing, fundamentalist Shiite Iran funds state terrorists, undermines stability in Lebanon and even, get this, arms the radical Sunni Taliban, its very own arch enemy. Where did he get that last one, from Peter MacKay?

Being careful to deliver his speach in Abu Dhabi, not Saudi Arabia or Egypt, Bush said (unnamed) governments will never build trust by harassing their citizens. ''You cannot expect people to believe in the promise of a better future when they are jailed for peacefully petitioning their government,'' Bush said. ''And you cannot stand up a modern, confident nation when you do not allow people to voice their legitimate criticisms.''

This from a guy who asserts he has an unfettered prerogative to take people, even Americans, off the street, declare them "enemy combattants" and have them imprisoned, secretly, indefinitely and without representation. George Bush, the most fascist president in American history, the very type that Thomas Jefferson most feared, is lecturing others on democracy.

There really is no end to this jackass.


  1. Much as it pains me to come to the defence of the US, at what point was the middle east ever stable? I suppose it's all relative.

    And by the way, my vote for most fascist president of the United States goes to president Andrew Jackson for his role in the whole "trail of tears" affair, an early genocide in my opinion.

  2. Unfortunately our notion of stability in the ME has usually translated into having pro-Western despots serving as our proxies at the expense of their own people. Shah Pahlavi is the classic example. A tyrant, yes, but every bit OUR tyrant. The House of Saud, ditto. Mubarak, ditto. By tolerating, enabling and, ultimately, rewarding these miserable creatures, we have ensured stability in the flow of oil and suppression of any democratic advancement in the region. I sometimes wonder how I would feel were that same despotic reality to prevail in Canada. I can't think of anyone I respect who would find that tolerable. Isn't that curious?

    As for Jackson, I think he's a definite candidate if his genocidal tendancies are the measure of fascism. It's certainly one factor but there are many others including usurpation of authority from the courts and congress; establishment of domestic surveillance; operation of secret prisons, suspension of habeas corpus and authorization of torture; election rigging; the exploitation of fear propaganda against one's own people, wars of aggression; corporatism (Mussolini's favourite) and others that leave me persuaded GWB is the most fascist president in US history.
