Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Showdown in the Gulf - Very, Very Scary

Okay, a little more information is coming out regarding the supposed Iranian provocation of US warships in the Persian Gulf yesterday. The incident involved what were described as Iranian gunboats that closed with three US Navy warships including the Ticonderoga-class, Aegis guided missile cruiser, USS Port Royal shown below.

Now the Port Royal, all 567 feet of her, is armed to the teeth with an unrivalled electronics warfare suite, all manner of missiles, deck guns and, for close-in defence, the Mk. 15 Phalanx gatling gun that can spew out 12.75 mm. depleted uranium rounds at the respectable rate of 4,500 rounds per minute. The Phalanx is designed to take out all manner of threats including supersonic, sea skimming anti-ship missiles.

So what about those lethal Iranian gunboats? Here's a picture of one of them taken with a telephoto lens from one of the US warships:

If you don't see any guns on this gunboat, maybe that's because there don't seem to be any. It's a speedboat and, given the lifejackets worn by the crew, it seems they weren't looking to die that day in a suicide attack either. Video released by the navy shows these tiny boats surfing about in the wakes of the US warships but always keeping a respectable distance away.


  1. lol...I think everyone has noticed the stupidity of the americans, if those are gunboats then i am napoleon...and on the other hand, "oh my gawd, those gunboats are a threat to world peace, they hate our way of life, they want to invade, 15 minute mushroom clouds"..official white house source.

  2. When I first heard this news I thought ok let's give them (Bush and navy) the benefit of the doubt even though Powell lied to UN before showing satellite photos of supposedly Iraq's mobile unit of WMD. Then they release the video. Nice so there's proof. Then I thought Iranian said it's routine thing. Bush and Rice then ridiculed it. Apparently that's the the whole story because it turns out the video was spliced together from different videos and the audio was also added afterwards. I guess this is important because the audio is the key. Did the Iranian really said "you will blow up..."? Then in today's news. Iran denied that incident happened and said the video is from file video. Those who follow history knows that incidence are manufactured to start war like in Vietnam.

    Just when I thought Bush ran out of excuse to attack Iran when the intelligence released claim that Iran have stopped their nuclear project, this incident if indeed manufactured embed the notion in peoples mind that it was the Iranian that started the aggression. Which does not make sense since the Iranian government surely knows that they would be utterly destroyed if they start a war with U.S.

    People better be careful or they will be duped into another war.

  3. Hi sorry, gave the wrong link for the fake Vietnam incident.

    And for the Iranian denial:


  4. The link got cut off.
    let me try again with tinyurl

    the first link is:
