Saturday, January 05, 2008

The Trouble with Hillary

I don't like Hillary Clinton but that's mainly because I don't trust her. She's shown herself malleable, even feckless so often that how can you tell what she would do in office if she was elected? Besides that I don't like political dynasties whether the name is Bush or Bhutto or Clinton.

Hillary got trounced by Obama in Iowa thanks to a huge turnout of independent and youth support. With that setback she opportunistically announced her campaign's attention to zoom to New Hampshire and target the youth and independent voters. What policies is she going to conceive to cater to this latest target market? This is expedience writ large and America needs a lot better than that from its next president.

Speaking in Nashua, New Hampshire, Clinton came out with this zinger: "It's a short period of time, but it's enough time," Clinton said. "Time for people to say, 'Wait a minute. Number one, who will be the best president for our country on Day One? . . . And who will be able to withstand the Republican attack machine to get elected in November?'"

Who indeed? Maybe Hillary should show whatever magical polling she has that demonstrates she could beat any of the Republican candidates in November. All five Repugs have consistently beat Hillary in the polls. Fully half of American voters polled have said they would never vote for Hillary no matter what - never, ever, amen. It's no wonder the Republican candidates trump Clinton.

1 comment:

  1. No Hillary was not trounced by independents coming out in Iowa. Hillary and Obama tied at 30% each in voter support in Iowa the difference is from non viable candidates moving to Obam when told to do so by their precinct leaders. That will not happen in NH. In fact, even the candidates that have pulle dout of the racce are still on the ballot there and will still get votes, the opposite effect.
