Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Washington Sticking to its Guns

The United States is insisting that five "armed Iranian gunboats," one shown in the picture below taken by the US Navy during the incident, really did charge and threaten a flotilla of three, massively armed, state of the art warships in the Straits of Hormuz over the weekend.

Iran says the claims are a total hoax conjured up to coincide with US president George w. Bush's trip to the Middle East. The Iranians point out that the soundtrack on the video released by the US Navy doesn't match the images. That got the Navy and Pentagon backpeddling with the explanation that the audio and video were recorded separately and matched up later.
"We viewed it as a provocative act,” Mr. Bush told reporters in the Rose Garden on Tuesday, just hours before he left for the weeklong trip to the Middle East. “It is a dangerous situation, and they should not have done it, pure and simple.”
The US has all but formally acknowledged overflying Iranian territory and actually deploying special forces teams into Iran. Fortunately those aren't provocative acts.


  1. So the Iranians were going to attack US Navy Destroyers with their ski boats?

  2. Well with those sorts of people a simple speedboat could be packed with enough explosives to take out a large yeah wouldn't you be worried? especially with all the guys in the mideast with a fetish for bomb vests?
