Stephane Dion seems insistent on bringing Stephen Harper into the floodlights over climate change.
Dion has struck back, challenging our Furious Leader, Mr. "We're Screwed" Harper, to an adult debate on the Liberals' "Green Shift" plan to reduce carbon emissions.
"I call on the Prime Minister to debate with me any time on TV on this issue in a respectful, meaningful and adult way."
No word yet on whether the Great Greasy Spot will take Dion's challenge.
Adult debates? I think they already banned them with adult movies.
I thought the time for partisan debates on opposition policy proposals was during an election.
Until then I think PM Harper is busy with government business - you know, like running the country.
I thought the time for partisan debates on opposition policy proposals was during an election.
Until then I think PM Harper is busy with government business - you know, like running the country.
9:21 PM, June 22, 2008
Now I know why the country is in a mess....according to you, the Canadian public including Cons shouldn't question what their government is doing until an election....it's not difficult to understand why we have a dictator in power at the moment. It's informed adult Canadians duty to see to it that their government does what they are supposed to do.... including the opposition...govern the country with an ethical, transparent and open government....isn't that what demacary is about? This govefrnment isn't running the country...big American business is...wake up and smell the oil. A. Morris
BTW Anon, I said it today on another blog but I'll repeat it on my own. Your Cons' tactics are to use bigotry and fear to harness the muscle of stupidity to the yoke of ignorance.
Why would the Prime Minister of Canada debate the opposition, on the opposition's election platform, when there is no election campaign going on?
What would Dion say if Jack says
'I will debate you Stephane'
"Why would the Prime Minister of Canada debate the opposition, on the opposition's election platform, when there is no election campaign going on?"
Same reason the government would run election-style attack ads against the leader of the opposition when there is no election going on, perhaps?
Or is it just that smearing is ok anytime, but actual debate must be only during elections?
Jesus wilson, are you really that stupid?
Are you serious?!?!?!? If I'm Mr. Harper, I'm rolling on the floor of 24 Sussex, laughing my butt off at the "gift" Dion has just offered me... you know we're already ITCHING for a chance to debate Dion in the election, so now your "Leader" is offering us yet another chance to go toe-to-toe? GAME ON!!!
If I'm Harper, I'm already booking the studio, notifying the press, and sending Dion a date and time... with debate prep already well underway.
(of course, Harper's smarter than I am... he's likely already got his killer lines ready for the press today, on why a debate on this plan is "less than worthless"... something like, "I wouldn't even consider debating a plan that is so destructive to this country".
Well, CC, I was going to respond to your comments until I glanced through your blog and found that your preferred form of government would be a theocracy. That tells me all I need to know. It's religious nutjobs who've landed us in the mess we're in today - from the Ayatollahs and the Mullahs to their radical counterparts in Judaism and Christianity. My preferred government would be one where we bundle up religious extremists, pack them a lovely lunch and point them in the direction back to their caves.
As has been said, Harper and the Cons opened the door with the anti-Dion attack ads, and also I would say with the comment about Dion screwing the Canada. That's a pretty damning statement to make without any evidenciary support.
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