Friday, July 04, 2008

Hell Just Got a Little More Crowded

Former US Senator Jesse Helms is dead.

Among Helms' pet peeves while he was in government were gay rights, civil rights of all varieties, foreign aid and modern art.


  1. You're ignorant.

    I might be too, but it's nice to have company.

  2. oh for god's sake johnathon, leave something constructive for once. Yay, Helms is gone.

  3. Glad to see you're back Mound! I hope the mountains were as nice as I hear they are!

  4. Helms was a rotten to the core bigot and society won't be the worse off for his absence.

    Hey Fishman. Yes the mountains were great despite the heatwave. If you've never experienced them you owe it to yourself to come out for a holiday. Of course to keep your carbon footprint down that'd require that you travel by bicycle and eat berries and grass from the side of the road. Then again with what you'll make as an articled student, that would fall squarely within your budget.

    Cheers all

  5. Jesse Helms may provide some advice for Harper's Cons.

    "Compromise, hell!"

    Shows that there are some politicians who can maximize the fringe and win.

    A politician who tried to seek martyrdom or had the populist appearance of attempting to lose. The alternative to Helms would be bullies like Baird and Van Loan. Attack dogs who are more empty suits.
