Friday, October 17, 2008

America's Real Voter Fraud

Forget Acorn and a few workers who made up false voter registrations. The operative word is a "few." Here's a BBC News account by Greg Palast showing how Republicans are working overtime to steal the 2008 election

And this is supposed to be the "greatest democracy" on the planet? Maybe it should work on making itself just an ordinary democracy again.


  1. "A few workers?" That's like saying the Liberal Party only stole a few dollars in the Sponsorship Scandal.

  2. Get the McCainiacs agitprop out of your brain if you can. Read, learn and you just might come back to your senses.

  3. ``QUITE a few``, you mean. If the numbers given by CNN (hardly a pro-McCain group) are to be believed, ACORN is signing up the dead, children, people chosen out of the phonebook at random, and other assorted John Does as fast as they can shovel paper out the door. If a Republican was doing the exact same thing, you would be screaming for an immediate investigation, so why is it that you paint it otherwise when it`s a Democrat doing it? I realize that this was a tactic used to great success by McLellan in Redmonton, but the principle of a democracy is "one person, one vote".

  4. Yes indeed unless you can disqualify upwards of million, legitimate voters because they might support a Democrat. Take your fascist trip and peddle it elsewhere. Curious you don't want to address a single fact or assertion in this video. Res Ipsa Loquitor.

  5. No, the fact is, this group has been producing thousands upon thousands of fake voters, apparently in an attempt to get "the One" elected, whether by hook or by crook. If someone is a legitimate voter, then there's nothing either a Democrat or Republican can or should be able to do about it; however, when ACORN is turning in reams of forms copied out of the local phone book (and it just so happens that their "enumerators" are junkies or ex-felons willing to do whatever it takes to get their next hit), then that's not democracy by any stretch of the imagination. Legitimate voters have nothing to fear by having their legitimacy proven, so why do you get your panties in a bunch if these thousands upon thousands of fake voters are disallowed? You wouldn't be trying to steal an election now, would you? ;-)

  6. Some people scam ACORN out of a few bucks, and it's a voting scam? Get your facts straight. It ain't even a voting scandal - it's a voting registration issue, which ACORN tends to take great caution in. While it can't strike those names, it does flag those names for expulsion.

    In other news, all this hullabaloo is leading to predicable results: right wing fanatics intimidation of ACORN workers.

  7. Troy, my man! You spared me from blurting out something much less civilized.


  8. If ONLY it was just about junkies scamming ACORN out of a few bucks, you might have a point; unfortunately, it doesn't appear to be that simple, and that at least some of these spurious "voters" have been able to vote in advance polls multiple times under multiple false identities. So, I ask again, why do you think that is acceptable if it's done on behalf of a "Democrat", but inacceptable if done on behalf of a "Republican"?

  9. No Anon, I've never suggested that voter fraud is acceptable in any case, Democratic or Republican. I'm also of the view that there are many means of voter fraud including wiping away the franchise of tens of thousands of eligible voters whose profile doesn't match Republican supporters. Care to comment on that?

  10. I think that if someone isn't eligible, they shouldn't be allowed to vote; now, since there are clearly a whole bunch of fictitious voters being "registered" by ACORN, what is to be done about it? Since you're an Obama cheerleader, you appear to want NOTHING done about it, since the odds are that any of those fraudulent multiple voters will be Obama voters. I'd be happy with having to present a piece of picture ID and a proof of residence at the polling place, but that doubtless would AGAIN be cast as "disenfranchising" Obama supporters.

  11. Anon, it's curious how you rightwing nutjobs always assume you know what other people believe. You don't. You're just a rightwing nutjob living out your own delusions. Dismissing Republican vote rigging as a matter of producing photo ID illustrates how disingenuous you are. Really quite pathetic.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. Anon, I won't tolerate your bullying and rudeness. You obviously haven't even watched the clip. I'm not interested in sparring with your ignorance.

  14. Ah, but I DID watch the clip; who is it now that claims to "assume you know what other people believe"? What's more, I've watched a number of other videos on this very topic, and I can't say that ANY of them make me feel happy about the state of democracy being practiced in the US; the difference between you and me is that I'm equally outraged by ALL of these sorts of shenanigans, but you seem to only get exercised about those that work against your chosen faith. Now, since I doubt you have the sort of honesty to let this post stand (a post which is no more "bullying" or "rude" than the PREVIOUS post), I'll leave you to try to justify your double standard to yourself.
