Sunday, October 05, 2008

Canadian Business - Do Something!

Everybody's in the mood for some serious talk. Canadian troops in Kandahar are waiting for the politicians to have an honest discussion about their role in Afghanistan and how it's going to end up.

Canadian businessmen, likewise, want some straight talk on the economy instead of endless Harper drivel about how "the fundamentals are strong."

Canadian Chamber of Commerce president and former Tory cabinet minister Perrin Beatty told CBC that good times politicians are in denial:

"It's clear that something profound is happening, yet the politicians up to now have wanted to talk about everything else," he said.
The politicians are living in one universe, while media reports of the international financial crisis paint a different picture, he said.

"Ordinary Canadians, people who are middle aged today, planning for retirement, have seen much of their retirement savings evaporating this week in the stock exchange," Beatty said.

Harper, in his by now old routine of whistling past the graveyard, continues to hope he can stall this one until after the October 14th vote. How unfair it would be to expect him to face up to this one right now when he's so busy campaigning on the issues - whatever he decides next week those might be.

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