Tuesday, November 04, 2008


John McCain, acting totally unaware of the guttersnipe campaign he's run, pretended to be noble tonight in conceding defeat to Barack Obama and - wait for it - pledging his support


  1. You might learn a thing or two from his speech, about grace and humility. It's over, there's no need to be an ass at this point. IT MAKES YOU LOOK SMALL.

  2. No, McCain gets no respect as the man has shown no respect.

    McCain ran a dirty and dishonourable campaign. Why should he deserve any consideration?

  3. Makes me look small? I'm not sure McCain, having pawned the last shred of his integrity, values and principles to eek out a distant win, could say anything credible that would teach anyone about grace and humility.

    That was the John McCain of 2000, not Franken-McCain of 2008.

    Troy's right. He showed no respect to his opponent or to the public who he manipulated with rumour, greed and fear. How can an "enlightened" speech take him off the hook for that - which he only abandoned AFTER he'd lost.

    I'm sorry, we don't redeem those coupons here.

  4. John McCain showed great humility tonight. Yes, this campaign was hard fought and was dirty on both sides. Lessons have been learned and tonight we all celebrate the election of Barack Obama.

    "The true measure of a man is his dignity in defeat and humility in victory"
    Donald A Kitson

    You've shown no humility in your writing, no humility in this victory. It is small of you. John McCain was handed the defeat he deserved, yet you still cry out against him. Instead of taking the high road in victory you’ve chosen to join a dead campaign in the gutter to fling more dirt. What of the respect Obama spoke of? You claim to support Obama but reject his call to come together, to heal the wounds and once again respect all others? This is no way for a Liberal to act.


  5. oh bite me. McCain implied that the vote was swayed by the black vote. Listen, I was impressed initially by his words, and then he did the usual rhetoric. Humility? Not so much.

  6. Bite Me? Now that's class. About the same level of class and honour I'm sure you'd accuse our opponents of having. But really, n, you’re right. Why should we expect better from our own side? Why should we be the ones to stand with our heads held high knowing that our actions and discussions are carried out with integrity? When we look to the behavior of our opponents why shouldn’t give ourselves an excuse to join in the chorus of disrespect which only serves to lower the bar…

    No, we would be mistaken to think that proceeding with some level of integrity and respect would somehow further our cause.

    If Obama had lost I’m sure that any concession speech would have spoken to his base of supporters. He’d talk about the need for change in America and speak to his core message one last time. That’s what John McCain did and while you may label it as mindless rhetoric he clearly tried to find a common ground on several issues. We don’t have to like or support McCain to show the same respect that Obama fought so hard to promote. To lift our discourse to a level higher than this juvenile blather, this is indeed one thing that we all should have learned from Barack Obama.

    Shame on you "n".

  7. McCain concession speech:
    Covering his butt, known as "brown-nosing" - no pun intended.

    McCain is in now way an honourable man & never has been. He has always looked out for #1 - himself.

  8. Oops - that's NO way not "now way". :)

  9. Jeez...you are one bitter human being when it comes to different views then yours. He lost...he knew it..he admitted defeat and took the blame...what more would you like? Some sit and bitch and moan...others run for office and attempt to make a difference..I'd prefer to congradulate the effort rather then rub a nose in the loss.
    But hey...thats just me and my progressive attitude. billg

  10. I hate to say it Mound, but I'm with Bill G/Annonymous on this one.

    Whether McCain is honourable or not, there is no sense in beating a dead horse and certainly no class either.

    I am rejoicing in Obama's win as much as the next liberal minded person, but there is no grace in being a bad winner.

    Obama made a very classy victory speech, in which he praised McCain for his devotion to the country he loved so much. I suggest we follow his lead.

  11. Well, I with Fish on this one. I also thought that McCain was sending out a message to his supporters and that is, to accept the results of the election to and support the president elect. I hope his supporters were listening carefully as, more than one person has expressed concerns (before the election) about violence as a result of the Republicans losing this one.

  12. Sorry but McCain played this election as low as he possibly could get. He didn't have to do that, he chose to do that. There's a clear difference between a hard campaign and a dirty campaign. I loathed Bush for what he did to McCain in 2000 and I feel the same way about what McCain chose to resort to in 2008.

    The President-elect, by contrast, took the high road all the way through. The contrast couldn't be starker.

    But, do yourselves a favour, go back through McCain's concession speech. It wasn't nearly as warm and respectful as you seem to think. It was carefully couched, to be sure, but there was real resentment in it too.

  13. I agree with Mound. I really liked McCain a few years back, but the way he ran his campaign...it was low and dirty. So, sorry, when I listen to his speech, I am not beating a dead horse, I just don't happen to swallow it. What's wrong with that? I also didn't swallow all the feel good speeches that Bush delivered. I think it is good to remember (we all don't have to have ADD) what this election was about and what McCains campaign sought to do-seek and divide- played on a very real demographic out there. It's a mistake to forget that. His actions before the concession speech speak loud and clear.
