Friday, November 07, 2008

Now That It's Over, Bill Ayres Speaks Out

Hillary got the ball rolling but it was Sarah and John who really tried to smear Barack Obama with his passing relationship with William Ayers, Vietnam-era radical turned university professor.

Ayers sat mute during the campaign but has weighed in now that it's over. He presents an account that does no credit to the Democratic and Republican candidates who tried to use him as a prop to smear Obama:


  1. A good article from Ayers.

    Gets the heart a pumping with lines like this...

    "Nothing is predetermined. That makes our moment on this earth both hopeful and all the more urgent—we must find ways to become real actors, to become authentic subjects in our own history."

  2. Who ever said it, it is absolutely true. People who believe in predetermined with tunnel vision. A. Morris
