I caught a few moments of a discussion on Charlie Rose's show today. What was being weighed is the possible approach Obama might take toward the Middle East and, particularly, toward Israel.
It was agreed by all that America would remain Israel's close friend, but... it might also chose to follow its own path instead of marching lockstep with Israel.
There appeared to be a consensus that Israeli policies during the Bush administration had not improved either Israel's security or the region's and it's time that America and the West steered all the parties in a new direction. There was particular focus on the illegal settlements of the West Bank which were said to have grown by fully 40% during the W. years. These have to go, in their entirety.
There seems to be a growing "enough is enough" attitude in Washington and Europe. More tanks and more bombs simply aren't going to bring peace between Israelis and Palestinians. It's never worked, it never will.
The violence only deepens radicalism throughout the Arab Street and the greater Muslim world. Does anyone think when Afghanis come out to protest in support of the Palestinians it bodes well for our soldiers?
The problem Israel faces is that Obama is a clear-headed pragmatist who isn't likely to write Israel any blank cheques as George w. Bush has these past eight years.
It would be a nice change to see the United States acting more like the world's only superpower and less like an Israeli client state in the Middle East.