Monday, January 12, 2009

Obama's Gay Bishop

Barack Obama is reaching out to the G&L community by including the world's only openly-gay Bishop in his inauguration proceedings.

New Hampshire Anglican Bishop Gene Robinson will offer a prayer at the Lincoln Memorial during Tuesday's opening ceremony. Both Obama and Joe Biden are expected to attend the event.

From The Independent:

Mr Robinson, bishop for New Hampshire, said that he is not sure what he will say yet. But speaking on CNN he described the opportunity as "a remarkable and humbling thing to have happened".

He added that it showed that Mr Obama was "exactly who he said he was" when he said that he wanted "everyone at the table".

Clark Stevens, a spokesman for the inaugural committee, said that Mr Robinson was invited because he offered advice to Mr Obama during the campaign and because of his work with the church.

1 comment:

  1. Obama is really changing things up. It's about time.
