Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Pentagon Sounds the Retreat

The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff must've gotten word there's a change of administrations coming.

Admiral Mike Mullen says the top brass must work to prevent the militarization of American foreign policy. Gee, what a novel idea! Mullen is said to have told top generals to stand right up and tell the civilians when they think the military shouldn't take the lead in effecting government policies overseas.

It was Bush defense secretary Don Rumsfeld who reprised the role of bureaucratic vampire sucking power out of the State Department and the CIA straight into his Defense Department, a power grab that did no branch of government, no department any good.

I think Mullen sees the writing on the wall. America's insane level of defense spending is going to have to be slashed as Obama attempts to staunch his country's fiscal meltdown. With that inevitability looming ever larger the Admiral probably thinks it would be wise to shed as many of the non-fighting roles such as economic development and diplomacy as possible.

Mullen acknowledged that America had, “reached for the military hammer in the toolbox of foreign policy fairly often.” Ya think?

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