Sunday, February 08, 2009

Harper's Newest No Class Act - Mike Duffy

Maybe it's the short person thing, you know - the Napoleon complex. Or maybe it's just the obese, really greasy short person thing. Whatever, Harper's latest Senatorial hog, Mike Duffy, has shown a real fondness for rolling in his own - well, you know.

His Dwarfship has been running his mouth like a punk on crack ever since he reached the Senate, spewing homo-erotic fantasies of unruly Eastern premiers sporting with each other in bed. If this is what the porcine paddy chooses to mark his first speech in the Senate, one can only shudder to imagine what curious thoughts must go through his tiny warped mind when he's at home, alone.

I mean, let's face it. This is Mike Duffy, the bald little troll himself. But, dirty old man in a raincoat sick as his Senate speech might have been, his performance on the weekend was a gut-buster. He fed a Conservative gathering in Halifax on Saturday this hilarious line about his appointment, "it is not a position I sought, but it is a challenge that I accept with enthusiasm."

As the Conservative Television Network's one-man pitchman for the Harper regime, Duffy doesn't need to explain to anyone how he got his hard-earned Sentate appointment. Maybe that's how he developed his strange fixations too.

1 comment:

  1. I think the plan is to make Canadians so disgusted with Duffy and the senate that they will beg to elect them just to oust that loud mouth lard ass.
