Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Afghanistan Cracks Down on Corruption. Really?

In a lightning stroke, the Afghan government has cracked down on corruption. Effective this morning, president Hamid Karzai, both his vice presidents, the Karzai cabinet, all but two members of the national legislature, the entire cast and crew of the Afghan National Police and roughly half of the Afghan National Army (the half that actually exists), all low-level, medium-level and high-level bureaucrats, the Afghan judiciary and all provincial governors placed each other under arrest for various high crimes and misdemeanours.

Pending imminent acquittal, the accused all returned to their employment following a brief adjournment for sweet tea and hashish.

Trials were convened shortly after a delightful lunch but the Afghan prosecutors, being defendants themselves, were unable to call any evidence thus leading to the dismissal of all charges. President Karzai hailed the proceedings as proof that, in his homeland, the Rule of Law shall always prevail.


  1. MoS, let me be a cynic and tell you a similar situation right in U.S. Many in the world and also including some prominent congressmen in U.S consider Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld war criminals. However, they are getting away with it all and to many Americans they are heroes. Current U.S government has done nothing significant to make them accountable. How that system is any different from the Afghanistan system. It is disgusting all around.

  2. MoS: this is so hilarious that I want to weep ...

  3. It may be a tad satirical (I hope) but really, what can you do? A regime that Chatham House has described as a "criminal enterprise" rules Afghanistan. The only people we're not currently at war with are those we would have to arrest. Fiasco, or should I say FUBAR?

  4. This attempt is rather pathetic if they think this would actually do any good to maintain America's support that you mentioned in Uncommon Sense on Afghanistan.

    They only succeeded in not only wasting their time, but of making a mockery of their legal system.
