Sunday, December 20, 2009

EnviroFraud Prentice and the Non-Existant Copenhagen Accord

Harper EnviroMin Jimbo Prentice has got to lay off the pills. After he and Harper were sidelined into irrelevance at Copenhagen, Prentice returned to announce that he's pleased with the "Accord."

What Accord Jim? Where is this Accord? Who signed it? What are the short term (2020) and medium term (2050) emission cuts in this Accord? Why did China demand that Europe actually scale back the emission reductions they wanted to implement by 2050?

When you hear of a cheap huckster, a fixer and a shill like Jim Prentice beaming over a supposed climate change "accord" you can bank on the fact that there is no accord and Jimbo is just dandy with that.

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