Thursday, September 09, 2010

Gordon Campbell Opens the Throttles and Heads Straight For the Iceberg

It's raining manna from heaven for Carole James, leader of British Columbia's NDP.   Not only has the Liberal-In-Name-Only government stretched its neck on the headsman's block by the way it foisted the HST, harmonized sales tax, on a furious public but now the infinitely unpopular ilLiberal premier Gordon Campbell has vowed to not only stay on as premier but to run for re-election in 2013.

"Over my dead body."  I'll bet those words crossed an awful lot of B.C. Liberal lips when Campbell's announcement came out this morning.   Unlike the actual captain of the Titanic, Campbell is deliberately steering his ship straight for the iceberg, kamikaze-style.

Campbell also outlined how he'll spend his remaining years in office - trying to pitch the HST to angry BC voters.   Sorry Gordo, the time for doing that was before you sprung the tax hike on the public.

BC'ers are predictably glum about all this.   The prospect of replacing Campbell with Carole James gives a lot of us mixed emotions.   She's shown herself an arrogant twerp before, willing to buck public opinion on questionable causes.   Carole may be new but the question is whether she's democratic.

1 comment:

  1. i think that after the last election, BC NDPers jumped with full veracity on Carole James. Notice she even lost weight.
    Feedback was thorough and she heard it.
