Thursday, December 02, 2010

Sally Ann Bells Banned - Has It Really Come to This?

Ever since I was a kid (a good, long time ago) Christmas has always been associated with the iconic Salvation Army Christmas kettle and a volunteer bell ringer.  Sleigh bells.  C'mon, it's Christmas.

Apparently some in Toronto see it differently.   CBC News reports that two of Toronto's largest malls, Eaton Centre and Fairview, are banning the Sally Ann bells, citing noise complaints.

Seriously, what are they doing?  Bursting eardrums?  Hardly.  Besides, it's not like all those merchants aren't cashing in big time on the whole Christmas thing.  It seems to me Christmas needs more Sally Ann, not less:


  1. Time to fight back...

    Why not post a couple of Bio's of the mall management - holding company info, Executive board...

    Maybe under the headings of Scrooge or Grinch understudies...

    Just thinking out loud...


  2. Most likely, these people who manage these malls consider themselves Christian. How ironic!!

  3. I think it is a bit rich for malls to complain about the noise from the Sally Ann bells. One of the main reasons I hate going to the mall, is the cacophony of various music styles blaring from each store. I go to the mall to purchase goods and I don't need the atmosphere of being in a club to help me with that.
