Friday, February 04, 2011

The Bubble Bursts - Elliot to Step Down as RCMP Commish

William Elliott is packing it in.  He'll resign as Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.   Elliott's resignation takes effect this summer.

Elliott (or "Bubbles" as we called him in law school) has had a controversial, even tumultuous ride as the first civilian commissioner of the force.  The Mounties had their share and more of scandal and disgrace during Elliott's three and a half year reign.   The worst episode was unquestionably the Dziekanski killing at the hands of four officers at Vancouver airport.   Then there were stories of Elliott's reputed hot temper and abusive nature which led to some sort of personality rehab.  Atop that was a near mutiny of top RCMP brass.

Elliott has resisted demands that he step down now, saying it would only leave the country in a state of chaos leading to a takeover by Islamic radicals.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, he must protect "us" from becoming another Egypt.
