Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Is There Something You're Not Talking About? No, It's Not E.D.

Unfortunately there is no Viagra for flaccid political fortunes.   And, judging by the stories appearing the past two days, that's bad news for the LPC.

Yesterday it was Ipsos-Reid informing us that Canadians would prefer a minority Conservative government rather than an Ignatieff-Layton coalition.   Today the story is that, while they may not agree with all of Harper's policies, a majority of Canadians believe Canada is heading in the right direction.  Left jab, right hook.

Are you Lib supporters in denial?   Is your party just going through the motions, lingering on in hope of finding a Messiah? 

You focus your energies on bitching about Harper, the one thing you can't change, and ignore the glaring deficiencies in your own party, the very thing you can and must change.  If these two latest surveys were inconsistent with the polling results over the last year, you might have an excuse.   But they're not and your leader's numbers are even worse.   When you get to this point, it's not disloyal to the party to be honest in trying to restore its fortunes.   Ignoring the plight of the party under the current management is breaking faith with the Liberal Party.

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